Seminars & Workshops
Due to the recent concerns regarding the pandemic seminars and workshops will be structured to meet any current pandemic restrictions.
Crazy Canines will take expressions of interests for all seminars, workshops, classes and services that you would like to organise or attend.
Check back soon to see what else we can offer you and your dog to get through this challenging time!
Seminars and Workshops
Want to learn with your friends?
Seminars and workshops prepared on request.
Learn about individual topics on specific canine behaviours.
Understand the science of dog training and how dogs learn everyday.
Learn about reading dog body language and the importance of understanding stress in your dog.
Group seminars prepared for foster carers, rescue groups, dog clubs and suitable for volunteers and staff.
Seminars and Workshops prepared for your local dog clubs and shelters:
Examples of workshops and seminars that have been held are listed below and can be modified to suit your requirements.
Nose work & Scent work demos or courses - suited to your needs and held at your club grounds or shelter if suitable.
'Have-a-go' Nose work games for club members, club fundays and shelter or rescue group activities can be organised.
Understanding Dog Behaviour: Seminar on understanding dog behaviour. Discuss the science behind training and positive reinforcement training techniques. Topics can be adjusted but may include reading body language, how to interpret stress signals and more.
Reactive Rovers Workshop: 2 part workshop with a hands on practical component. Auditing spots optional. Covering basic foundations, building skills and understanding to help your dog learn through reinforcement how to respond to their environment.
K9 Nose Work® Shelter Dog Project:
Nose work is hugely beneficial to animals in high stress situations such as kennel and shelter environments.
The natural seeking and searching behaviour is proven to increase 'feel good' hormones (dopamine and seratonin) and will help counteract stress hormones (such as cortisol).
The activity is also fun for the dogs and builds confidence with those that are timid, and helps to settle those with large amounts of energy!
Jo currently volunteers at the RSPCA (Vic) in Burwood East and at Pearcedale to coordinate this aspect of the enrichment program and help the dogs in the shelter.
If you assist in a recue group, kennel or shelter environment and would like to find out more please contact me for information on what you can do.
Enquire for more details
Previous workshop and seminars have been provided by Murphy and Jo for RSPCA (Vic)
Including helping and assisting at the School Holiday Programs provided by the RSPCA from 2015-2020.
Providing hands on learning and skills for school ages.
Contact the RSPCA(Vic) for any current holiday programs and availability.
Video of RSPCA (Vic) Dog Day
Jo Bates worked in conjunction with the RSPCA (Vic) Education Department to bring short courses to members of the public.
Previous programs included:
'Caring for dogs'
' Understanding Dog Behaviour and Training'
'Animal Management Officer Training Program'
Contact the RSPCA(Vic) for information on their current courses offered.